In Lipedema surgery do you lose weight from liposuction?
The answer is different for everyone. Yes, I regret being the one to tell you this, but not all liposuction patients lose weight. I know you are disappointed to hear this, but let me tell you a little bit more about why, and what you should expect.
I had calculated my expected weight loss in advance.

About the size of a liter of fat.
Yes, I did. I knew that a liter weighed approximately 2.2 lbs. I wasn’t sure how much fat would be removed from my body during liposuction, but I estimated that it would be at least 10 liters and result in more than a 20 lb. weight loss. (Stop laughing.) The day of surgery #1, I recall hearing that Dr. Byrd removed 8 liters. Instinctively, even though under the influence of medications, I recall thinking that this represented 16 lbs. of reduced weight. A few days later during surgery #2, another 3 liters were removed. Immediately, I thought to myself, I have lost at least 22 lbs.! Perfect. Or should I say, perfectly wrong.
This is not exactly how it works.
It’s important to recognize that the full benefits of liposuction are not necessarily visible immediately. Swelling of your tissue and remaining fluid from your procedure will take weeks and sometimes months to fully resolve. This is part of the healing process and completely normal. Most doctors tell you that the full healing process can take up to 12-15 months. Immediately following liposuction, you’ll likely notice a difference in your physique. But if not, just give it time.
But don’t be fooled. Although the removed fat cells are gone for good, your body still had fat cells in other locations that are eager to expand. If you don’t adhere to a healthy diet and exercise, these fat cells will gladly and gradually pack on the pounds.
Since our liposuction is for the purpose of addressing Lipedema, it’s important to follow the dietary guidelines that your physician provides. Most often, a low carbohydrate diet is recommended, as carbohydrates appear to be problematic for most women who live with Lipedema.
After your liposuction procedure, don’t climb on that scale right away. The fluid retention in your body will just make you feel badly about yourself for no good reason. Give your body some time to heal itself, and don’t be in a panic about any extra pounds you gain initially. Eat healthily, but respect that your body requires energy in the form of calories to promote healing.
Secondly, understand that liposuction is not intended to act as a weight loss solution. This is probably the most common misconception. Although liposuction literally sucks the fat out of your body, it is not a weight loss procedure.
In my personal experience, I lost a total of 6 “real” pounds after liposuction at the 3 month marker. Remember I calculated that I would lose closer to 22 lbs. Others have lost more. Some have experienced and “opening up of their lymphatic system and metabolism” that resulted in a significant increase in their ability to lose weight after liposuction… something they previously had been unable to accomplish.
Some have gained weight. At 13 months after liposuction I had gained approximately 15 lbs. I was scared. Unlike some women who say they gained weight and inches in a particular area, I couldn’t point to it like that on my own body. I just seemed to get thicker in my torso and gained an inch in my waist. Once I refocused on a keto way of eating, I was able to attain my lowest post-surgical weight by losing an additional 24 lbs.
My point is, don’t look for a miracle. From your perspective it may seem that some women experience miracles… but if you really talk to them, you’ll find that everyone has their own challenges and makes a real effort and commitment to maintaining their investment in themselves after liposuction.
It’s not easy, but you are worth it.
By: Denise Bennett