Cellulite or Lipedema?
Do you have Cellulite or Lipedema? Have you been told you have Cellulite or have you seen pictures of Cellulite and identified with the photographs? You know what I’m talking [...]
Do you have Cellulite or Lipedema? Have you been told you have Cellulite or have you seen pictures of Cellulite and identified with the photographs? You know what I’m talking [...]
How has Lipedema Impacted Your Sexual Mind Set? Author, Denise Bennett Lipedema can impact your sexy factor and get in the way of enjoying all of life. Sex [...]
Loose skin after lipedema surgery is one of the draw backs from eliminating lipedema fat in certain areas of your body like your upper arms. Loose skin in the upper [...]
Lipedema Sufferer Learn to Love Yourself As You Are Forgiveness & Self Love Quote by Brene' Brown: "Talk to yourself as you would to someone you love." Casandra Brene [...]
Comparisons - by Denise Bennett My body does not compare to (fill in the blank.) I did not lose as much weight as (fill in the blank.) My ankles do [...]
MAY 2019 LIPEDEMA LIPOSUCTION VIDEO Click here for video link
By Denise Bennett So, did you think that Liposuction was a magic bullet? Did you think that once you had the procedure done, had successfully managed through the recovery, [...]
By Denise Bennett Your role is critical. Thankfully, you are capable. You have a very important role in caring for a post-surgical loved one or friend. She will probably [...]
By Denise Bennett Though no one seems certain what causes Lipedema, and what its genetic link is, there is strong evidence of hormonal and hereditary influences. Many people with [...]