Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)
PAL is performed using a special cannula which uses tiny, rapid vibrations to break up fat cells so that they can be suctioned out of the body. Dr. Byrd can remove more fat in a shorter period of time, which leads to enhanced results, a safer procedure, and faster recovery. PAL is performed using the tumescent liposuction technique, in which an anesthetic liquid is injected into the treatment area for smooth fat transfer through the cannula and out of the body.
Vibrating Cannula
In PAL the tip of the cannula, the tube used to extract fat from the body, vibrates rapidly. This vibration actually makes liposuction gentler on the body’s tissues because it loosens fat cells and allows them to be easily suctioned away. This specialized cannula allows for smaller incisions and reduced recovery time compared with other liposuction techniques. The vibrating tip used in PAL allows for safer liposuction because of its small, precise motions. Surgeons can target specific areas without damaging surrounding tissue.
Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) Benefits
Doctors do not need to use as much force during a power assisted liposuction because the vibrating cannula helps release fat cells from the body. In a study led by the Department of Dermatology at Tulane University Health Sciences Center, researchers found that 30 percent more fat was removed with Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) than with manual liposuction, while bruising and recovery time were significantly reduced. This makes PAL useful for treating areas that are notoriously difficult to sculpt, including the inner thighs, belly button area, and male breasts. Because the power assisted liposuction procedure takes less time to perform than manual liposuction, patients are less susceptible to complications and safety risks. Patients report many long-term benefits of fat removal with liposuction.
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