Dr. Marcia Byrd has many frequently asked questions about lipedema that come up over and over again.  She has partnered with Denise Bennett, a lipedema patient of hers, who is one of four volunteers that watches over the Lipedema Surgery in Georgia Facebook group.

All of the volunteers who participate in the group, approve women into the group, to make sure that no one enters that has a product to sell or the intention to exploit anyone in the group.  We recognize that the posting of personal photographs could potentially cause embarrassment or harassment, and we don’t want to see that happen to anyone.

This blog was written by Denise Bennett:

I have been on the other side of Lipedema, trying to learn as much as possible about the disorder, what I could do to change the trajectory, questioning whether surgery was a viable option, wondering about the recovery and the details of how long that would take, and then fixating on maintaining the results.  I thought I would address the frequently asked questions about lipedema that I hear on a reoccurring basis.  Here goes.

Frequently asked questions about lipedemaQuestion: “I am day 6 post op.  My legs are still swollen.  Is this normal?”

Answer:  Yes.  It is normal to have swelling in your legs, or any other part of your body that underwent surgery for weeks and even months after surgery.  Healing takes a long time, and everyone’s body is different.  Everyone heals differently and at their own pace.    After liposuction, swelling peaks from day 5-10.  Don’t panic.  The swelling will dissipate.  Follow the guidelines that your surgeon provided for wearing compression and/or wraps.  You will be fine.

Question: “Who is the best surgeon for liposuction?”

Answer:  The real issue here is who the best surgeon for you is.  There are so many things to take into consideration.  Can you travel? Do you want to leave the country for surgery?  Does personality matter to you?  Who are you comfortable with?  Will you have the necessary resources (a caregiver) available for your recovery?  What is the cost comparison? Have you researched results? Have you spoken to others who have already had surgery?  I personally researched and considered all my options… even going to Germany.  In the final analysis, what worked best for me was to stay in the US.  Though the initial price tag appeared to be less to go overseas, when I calculated the exchange rate of the Euro, and added on travel expenses for me and my caregiver, I felt that, for me, staying in the States made more sense.  Others have thought that going overseas was better for them.  And I am sure it was better for them… because that is what gave them peace of mind.  Do your homework.  Research the possibilities that seem best for you, make a decision and then, don’t look back.

Question:  How much does surgery cost with Doctor X?

Answer:  It varies from person to person.  Each doctor has their own pricing structure.  Each doctor has a different approach. Each of us is also different.  Just because we are the same height and weight and our legs or arms look similar does not mean we are the same.  I do not quote my prices to anyone else when asked because I don’t want them to think that is the price it will be for them.  Maybe their price will be less…maybe it will be more.  By my having set some expectation I may have unknowingly discouraged them from proceeding with getting a quote because they felt they could not afford to have the procedure.  Or conversely, maybe I gave them a false idea that they could afford it and then they discover that their quote for surgery is way more than mine was.  Always reach out for the opinion of the surgeon and surgical practice.  We are all different.

Question: “When can I return to work?”

Answer:  Well, that totally depends on you.  From my observations the most common timeframe for returning to work is between 7-14 days.  I would say that most women give themselves about two weeks after surgery to return to work.  When I had my first two surgeries (3 days apart) I returned to work after 10 days.  When I had my third surgery, I returned to work on day 6.  Plan on 2 weeks, and then see how your body is doing.  It is not uncommon to still be dealing with daily swelling, potential nausea and physical exhaustion.  Be kind to your healing self.

These were the top frequently asked questions about lipedema. If you have a questions about lipedema surgery treatment please contact Marcia Byrd, MD. 770-587-1711.